Snuggle Time

Snuggle Time

When you are small and you're feeling a bit under the weather, the perfect solution is to snuggle up for a cuddle with someone who cares about you. I adore this photo of me and my son, and Maisie dog joining in with the love. My son is 18 now and he's less likely to come to me for a cuddle when he has a headache, though he may still have a snuggle with the dogs!

When we reach adulthood we tend to think we have to just get on with it on those 'not so great today' times. We put on a smile, say we are fine when asked and ignore the messages from our body. I work with clients to help them to remember their responsibility to themselves, to listen to the body, to create space and priority for self-care, to show up for yourself. When did you last have snuggle time just for you? With a book or some craft work or a favourite meditation? When did you last give yourself permission to do nothing? No Thing .... even if just for 10 mins?

Perhaps you choose to make some time to BE today 🙂

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